We tend to store a lot of food and equipment in our kitchens. At the same time we don’t want the kitchen space cluttered. So it helps to have a few trick to get all everything neatly stored while still having plenty of bench space. And with Cheap Tiles Online it can hopefully all look stylish too!
Planning a Design:
- Look at the space where you have the kitchen. All your plans will have to be realized within this space. Occasionally you might have a building cupboard that extends into the space of another room, but this is rare. Think about the best use of the space you have.
- Always make storage a priority. Not that we want to intrude on working and moving space. Rather, we want to store everything so there is more space to work in.
- Lighting- bright lights will make any space look better, though late night dim (atmospheric) lighting can also be attractive. Make sure lights aren’t behind your head where they cast a shadow on your work space. Lights should be evenly spread.
- Power outlets are frequently used. Have plenty. And include a few with USB outlets for charging devices.
- Ventilation is important. At least have a extractor above the stove.
- Have an easy path of movement between stove, sink and fridge.
- We tend to have a lot of space above head height that is hardly used. We can store pots and pans above our heads. And put cupboards at the top of our reach. Else, have tall cabinets.
- Slide out bench space can be useful.
- Sinks can be covered to provide more bench space.
- In a pinch we can open a draw and cover it with a breadboard for extra space.
- Items can be stored on the inside of cupboard doors.
- Turntables (lazy Susan) inside cupboards for small items, so we don’t have trouble reaching for things at the back.
- Some items can fit inside others – small pots inside larger pots.
- Think laterally to find storage space.
A kitchen will need a splashback. And will usually benefit from other trim. A peel and stick tile system can be used for both of these.

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